Thursday, 20 July 2017

How to register MUET (calon persendirian)

Assalamualaikum everyone,

I just done my speaking test on Monday 17 July 2017. I was wondering maybe some of you guys who doesn't know how to register as Muet candidate and a little bit blur..So, yeah i'm going to share the simple steps which I hope will help you guys more or less (pardon my English and grammar mistake)

Okay, Let's begin~

As you guys know there is three Muet test that will be held in a year, which is on March, July & November. For the candidate who want to take the test on November here the → schedule

1 Steps : Go  to BSN to buy the pin number for Muet which cost you RM 101.06 included GST. (the same process when you buy a pin number for IPTA.

2 Steps : Quickly when to the MPM portal and click the MeSP→go here

3 steps : go to the calon persendirian

4 steps :Go to Daftar pengguna and fill in.

5 steps : Go back and log in

6 steps : go to pendaftaran calon persendirian and click the pendaftaran muet 

7 steps : go fill in the BSN pin number and choose which school you want to take the test.
8 steps : to check your MUET/D go to→ here and download it

make sure to bring your IC card and the MUET/D slip during the exam.

That's all from me, thank you~ good luck for the MUET candidate~ tata ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

How to get Transcript for UiTM students by POST

Assalamualaikum, everyone~ヾ(^∇^)

This is my first post, I got request from my friend on how to get the transcript. I already receive mine ヾ(´▽`;)ゝit only took 1 week!!! Before I start telling u guys the step..I want to tell u guys that I'm not studying at UiTM campus (so don't ask me anything regarding that )  I study at Institute Professional Baitulmal so if any of you from there HI~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ (pardon of my limited English & grammar)

JOM start!!!!

step 1: Anda kene generate bill. Macam mane nak generate bill? Korang dah tak payah susah2 call UiTM sbb bill akan dijana setiap hari Selasa dan Jumaat. Pergi dekat sini → Permohonon bill transkrip UiTM
 Macam mana nak tahu dah ke belum? korang boleh check bill korg kat student portal  bahagian Bill pelajar. Selapas dah tengok ade korang boleh bayar di Bank Islam sama ade di kaunter terus atau melalui ATM dan simpan resit anda.

 step 2: Download Borang pemohonan transkrip dan Borang pengesahan pelajar open file dan fill & sign gune Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

step 3 : Emel ke pegawai bertugas
  -cari staff yg bertugas atas fakulti korg mcm saya BM111 dekat Sini

step 4 : Dah jumpa staff yg bertugas hantar email dan attach sekali ikut susunan di bawah
             1) Resit bayaran
             2) Borang permohanan transkrip
             3) Borang pengesahan pelajar

Untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut dan pengesahan boleh la hubungi diorg sendiri di  03-55443361/3441 (BETTER CALL ) 

Or kalau korg nak lebih teperinci boleh tgk blog ni dan / diorg lg terperinci saya rujuk diorg juge

Okay and done simple right? haha ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ That's all from me~tata 

Pengalaman ambil Muet Julai 2017 ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

Assalamualaikum, Semua ~ Kepada adik2 Diploma yang ada niat nak sambung ke Degree please take note okay. Kenapa? sebab kalau nk sambung k...