Thursday, 20 July 2017

How to register MUET (calon persendirian)

Assalamualaikum everyone,

I just done my speaking test on Monday 17 July 2017. I was wondering maybe some of you guys who doesn't know how to register as Muet candidate and a little bit blur..So, yeah i'm going to share the simple steps which I hope will help you guys more or less (pardon my English and grammar mistake)

Okay, Let's begin~

As you guys know there is three Muet test that will be held in a year, which is on March, July & November. For the candidate who want to take the test on November here the → schedule

1 Steps : Go  to BSN to buy the pin number for Muet which cost you RM 101.06 included GST. (the same process when you buy a pin number for IPTA.

2 Steps : Quickly when to the MPM portal and click the MeSP→go here

3 steps : go to the calon persendirian

4 steps :Go to Daftar pengguna and fill in.

5 steps : Go back and log in

6 steps : go to pendaftaran calon persendirian and click the pendaftaran muet 

7 steps : go fill in the BSN pin number and choose which school you want to take the test.
8 steps : to check your MUET/D go to→ here and download it

make sure to bring your IC card and the MUET/D slip during the exam.

That's all from me, thank you~ good luck for the MUET candidate~ tata ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ


Pengalaman ambil Muet Julai 2017 ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

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